Can we have a SQUeEEEEEeeEEEE?!?!
I got a commission for 5 Georgie the Tea Party Elephant! I also will get to make some pins as well. I am SO excited! So far, all 6 are made - made an extra for a friend, 3 are "dressed" which means that they have the color roving on them but sadness - I need to get of the grey that I need! My source is GREAT but get this! They don't use the net or nuttin. So I hope they can rush me an order of grey! I might get some more colors too. I LOVE NEEDLE FELTING MAN! SO FUN it is!
I have so many things to do from a creative perspective - that I am so jazzed about. *bounces all around*
Okay it is 1 am - I have to go into the office tomorrow! EEP. Hugs all! Nan