Yea!!!! I finally needle felted! As you know I love pin cushions so Kate's/Di's engagement ring just inspired me to finally make one for my finger. I really like finger pin cushions. I made a shamrock before but this one was way fun! I love how the glittery bits worked out well!!! *does happy dance* It is like I have my own personal (fake)Princess Di ring. lol
I just love this color! And yes this is one of my collectable tins -je
This is the height of recycling. I can't stand it when my finger gets stuck by pins. But this time I corrected that. Let me know if anyone wants the pattern on how to do this!
Also on the royal memorabilia front! Check it out, Paper Dolls!
Also on the check it out front, I finally got my mani/pedi - Yea!!!! So love mani/pedi's.
Gregish brown for the fingers
Kelly green for the feets!-
Okay must get going....Aine is a cuddly little zzzzzzing puggy and looks like she needs a snuggle. Xoxox Nan and Aine
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