* Forgot to mention! I did the following because www.dropcam.com has a challenge for favorite per story! Check them out!*
My little girl - Aine - cracks me up on a continued basis. I really wish I had a webcam so that I can see what she does during the day when I am not home. People purposely walk VERY slowly by my house to see her little head pop up from the window and jump up and down. It is hysterical.
She has free reign of the house during the day and I would love to get a brother or sister for Aine so she can play all day. However, I just don't know if it should be a boy or a girl. I would love it if my next pug could be black. That would be so much fun.
Here are some her funniest moments:
http://youtu.be/V4yfOef-xp4 - Pugtona
http://youtu.be/-5JXqz5r3tw woooowooooo
http://youtu.be/Pv8xzfqXD7E GermanFest Aine
What does your dog do that makes you laugh? xoxox Nan and Aine
PS -Yawning AIne